May the chapters in this book inspire you to be resilient in pursuit to what sets your soul on fire. May you live to your fullest purpose. Love & Light.

Finding yourself in Difficult Times? This past year was a dreadful year for most of us. During these months I found joy in Isolation, and nourishment in the elements of mother nature. I surrendered to the Universe! My morning Prayers, Devotion and Meditation became my source of refuge. During this time writing and journaling became my daily activity; the words, emotions and thoughts flowed naturally into the pages of my leather journal which gave life to chapters in this new book Resilience Through Yoga Volume 5.
In this book, I share personal stories of my travel experiences to high vibrations regions in Bali, Egypt, Kenya, India, Grenada, and my desert sanctuary in California. Honoring all the souls who I met along the way and how their spiritual lives impacted me. Kindly journey with me through the chapters.